
February  2019

Young City of Literature Ambassadors – A new programme to put young people at the centre of promoting literature in Nottingham launched on Friday 15th February. You can view the press release here:

November 2018 – DfE

Reducing workload in schools: joint letter to all school leaders: A letter from the Secretary of State for Education and sector organisations about the importance of reducing workload in schools.

Reducing teacher workload: What the government is doing to reduce unnecessary workload for teachers, including details of the workload challenge.

September 2018 – DfE

Teacher subject specialism training (TSST) courses:  Find and apply for free teacher subject specialism training in England, available in secondary mathematics, core maths, physics and modern foreign languages.

Mathematics early-career payments: guidance for teachers and schools: Terms and conditions for mathematics early-career payments.

Access funding for continuing professional development in science: Project ENTHUSE provides bursaries to help teachers and technicians attend continuing professional development (CPD) courses.

Join the Future Leaders programme to help you progress to headship: The Future Leaders programme develops senior leaders to become headteachers in challenging schools.

Get help to increase participation in advanced maths: The advanced mathematics support programme provides CPD, resources and support to improve teaching and increase participation in post-16 maths education.

Join the Future Physics Leaders programme to develop as a specialist: The Future Physics Leaders programme helps teachers develop specialist subject knowledge, become a physics leader and work towards becoming a chartered physicist.

Get support to increase the take-up of A level physics: The Stimulating Physics Network provides free, bespoke support for teachers of physics to increase the take-up of A level physics, particularly by girls.

Help GCSE and A level students transition to higher level physics: Isaac Physics provides online extension material and continuing professional development, to help prepare students to study physics and related courses at university.